Using Multimedia button in JCE

yellowwebmonkey web services

1.  Open the article you would like to insert the multimedia link into.

2.  Select the place in the article you would like to put the multimedia link.

multimedia button

3.  Selct the Insert/Edit Media button 

 multimedia button 1

4.  Select the appropriate media type from the dropdown.

multimedia button 3

5.  Paste the URL in the space provided.

 multimedia 3

6.  Change the formatting as needed i.e. dimensions, alignment, and margin.

 multimedia button 4

7.  Select insert.

multimedia button 5

Save and close


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YellowWebMonkey Web design offers reliable website design, SEO and digital marketing services for Joomla, WordPress and Shopify sites. We strive to be a one-stop shop for all your web needs.

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