National Hire a Veteran Day: Why YellowWebMonkey Chooses Veterans

Female veteran in uniform sitting at a desk in an interview for National Hire a Veteran Day

On July 25th, we join the nation in recognizing the irreplaceable value veterans bring to the workforce. At YellowWebMonkey, we don’t just celebrate National Hire a Veteran Day – we live it. Veterans and military spouses form the backbone of our team, bringing a unique blend of discipline, adaptability, and mission-focused drive that sets us apart.

Why YellowWebMonkey Hires Veterans:

“It is overwhelming to post a job listing and have 200 applicants. If you check a few filters for skills, you are not seeing the person, and people are what make a team,” says Alexis Priddy, founder of YellowWebMonkey and a veteran herself. “I cannot teach work ethic and integrity. They’re built in. That’s why I prioritize hiring veterans – individuals who will “own” a task until complete, work as a team, communicate clearly, and not make excuses.”

Priddy’s experience has shown that investing in training individuals with a solid foundation of work ethic and integrity yields far greater returns than onboarding raw talent fresh out of school. These qualities, she believes, are the backbone of any successful team and the fuel that propels projects forward.

“Veterans don’t just have the skills,” Priddy explains. “They have the character, the follow-through, and the unwavering determination to get the job done, no matter the obstacles. That’s the kind of mindset that delivers exceptional products with reliable customer service.”

Veterans consistently demonstrate:
Proven Leadership: Military experience fosters exceptional leadership abilities, from decisive action under pressure to inspiring and motivating teams.
Unwavering Work Ethic: Dedication, commitment, and exceeding expectations are hallmarks of a veteran’s work ethic.
Adaptability & Resilience: Trained to adapt to changing situations and overcome challenges, veterans bring a flexible and resilient mindset.
Teamwork & Collaboration: Veterans are skilled at working collaboratively towards common goals, creating a positive and productive atmosphere.
Technical Expertise: Many veterans possess valuable technical skills acquired during service, directly applicable to diverse industries.

Meet Some of YellowWebMonkey’s Veterans:

Alexis Priddy: West Point-educated Army officer turned entrepreneur and accomplished speaker, Alexis leverages 15+ years of web design experience and certifications to lead YellowWebMonkey.
Corinne Walker: Former Army Adjutant General Corps Officer and West Point graduate, Corinne combines her leadership and analytical skills to excel as a WordPress Lead.
Cherith Shaffer: West Point graduate and Army Aviation Officer, Cherith’s diverse background in operations and healthcare informs her meticulous approach to Shopify projects.
Cassandra Asante: Former Navy Surface Warfare Officer and U.S. Naval Academy graduate, Cassandra led on the basketball court and now brings that competitive spirit to WordPress solutions.
Audrey Talbot: Former Navy Surface Warfare Officer and U.S. Naval Academy graduate, Audry brings her leadership experience to Shopify expertise.

How Businesses Can Support and Hire Veterans:

Partner with Veteran Organizations: Collaborate with organizations like Veterans Transition Support, Hire Heroes USA, Hiring Our Heroes, and American Corporate Partners to connect with qualified candidates.
Tailor Your Recruitment: Adapt your strategies to effectively reach and engage veteran talent. Highlight transferable skills and military experience in job descriptions.
Offer Mentorship & Support: Provide mentorship programs and resources to help veterans transition smoothly into your company culture.

Hire Vets. Now.

This National Hire a Veteran Day, we’re not just celebrating – we take action. Veterans aren’t charity cases; they’re proven leaders, skilled professionals, and disciplined team players. They’ve faced monumental challenges, and they’ve emerged stronger. Your company needs that kind of resilience.

So let’s cut the platitudes and prioritize results. Make a commitment today to actively recruit and hire veterans. Invest in their future, and they’ll invest in yours.

YellowWebMonkey is proud to support and hire veterans and military spouses.

About YellowWebMonkey

YellowWebMonkey Web design offers reliable website design, SEO and digital marketing services for Joomla, WordPress and Shopify sites. We strive to be a one-stop shop for all your web needs.

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