Join a Group on LinkedIn

yellowwebmonkey web services

To join a group on Linkedin, you must first find a group that you wish to join.

Go to and select “Groups Directory” under the “Groups” tab.


Next, you’ll want to browse the featured groups or search all groups to find one that relates to your business. Once you’ve found an interesting group, select “Join Group” on the right side of the screen.


A window will open explaining that you have now joined the group and will state how the group’s discussions will be displayed. Select “Continue”.


You can also select “Groups You May Like” under the “Groups” tab at the top of the page. This will desplay more groups that relate to your business and groups that you have already joined.


Alternatively, you can accept invitations to join groups by selecting “Accept Invitations” under the “Inbox” tab.


Discussions from the groups you have joined are now displayed on your home page, where you can comment and discuss business with your new contacts.

Thank you for reading, and enjoy your new business associates.



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